The Goal: To reach out with a positive loving gesture to complete strangers with whom we share this world. No strings attached.
Location: Children's Fairyland
(Front Entrance)
699 Bellevue Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
This is a Two-Part Event: Part 1: Saturday, April 11 - Assemble Easter Eggs in San Ramon
Part 2: Sunday, April 12 - Distribute Easter Eggs & Kindness in Oakland
It’s not mandatory to make it to both days, but if you can, that would be GREAT!
You won’t need to bring anything, we’ll bring all the assembled Easter eggs. If you didn't make it to the Saturday event, you can help by bringing eggs you’ve assembled yourself on Sunday.
We will gather as a group to distribute Easter eggs near the park and by the lake.
Ideas: We’re open to other suggestions for this event, and ideas for future events. If you have any ideas (Location, RAOK Activity, Donations, etc) please contact me. is an organization dedicated to encouraging people to practice kindness in their everyday lives. Together, we can make the world a better place!
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