Receive Free PrePrinted Cards Via Snail-Mail:
Simply provide me with your name and mailing address and I'll mail out a few cards for you to get started. At any time you can request more cards, free of charge. Please Email me your mailing address exactly as it should be displayed on an address label.
The Kindness Card enables you to present a tangible reminder of kindness to its recipient. The purpose of the card is not to elicit a reward but rather to be used in times when the recipient can appreciate the act. The card draws emphasis to the actual Random Act of Kindness experienced and hopefully prompts the recipient to "pass it on" by way of spreading kindness to another.
Print your own Kindness Cards:
Visit our website to print your own Kindness Cards!
How to Use Kindness Cards:
Example (just one of many)....
When you pull into a drive-thru and pay for your order. Instead of just taking your food and pulling off, do a RAOK and pay for the person behind. Sure it may cost you $5 or more, but the simple act will have a profound impact on that person and in your own life. It's easy, I tried it last week. I can't tell you how great it felt for me and my husband to do this RAOK, you'll have to try it for yourself to find out.
Here's what you do - Tell the cashier that you'd like to pay for car behind you too. You then hand the cashier the Kindness Card (give a few extras if there is more than one person in the car), then ask the cashier that they give the card to the driver when they pull up to pay. This lets the recipient become aware of the initiative as the card explains it - "You've just experienced a Random Act of Kindness".
Later in the day or week, this person will look at the card and it'll remind them that they were the recipient of a very cool Random Act of Kindness.
The card serves as a reminder and as a tool to be contagious and spread positive energy.
The concept is simple. The impact is overwhelming. The opportunity is now up to you.
Do a Random Act of Kindness on a regular basis and you will be see a change not only in the lives of those around you but also a positive, more fulfilling change in your own life.
Stamp Donations:
If you would like to support this cause, please donate United States stamps.
Please mail stamps to:
Maria Haswell
21001 San Ramon Valley Blvd.
Suite A4-121
San Ramon, CA 94583
While donations are greatly appreciated, my intent is that you'll participate in doing RAOK on a daily basis and spread kindness with others.
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